As a family-run company, we think long-term and it is important to us not to live at the expense of future generations.

We therefore fully support all efforts to promote sustainability and best practices along the entire value chain. We are a member of the CSR platform of the AIJN and the Sustainable Juice Convenant, where we participate in various committees.

Frutco has committed to being 100% sustainable by 2030. Our progress is reviewed annually by Price Waterhouse Cooper (PWC) as part of the Sustainable Juice Covenant and we are already 78% sustainable today.

We see sustainability as an opportunity to combine economic, ecological and social goals in order to achieve long-term success. We expect our partners to do the same and focus on the following aspects:

Our earth

  • We are using new technologies to reduce energy and water consumption in agriculture and at our plants
  • Through R & D we increase the yield and thus reduce waste. Our goal is to return 100% of the fruit to the food chain.
  • We support small and medium-sized farmers in the implementation of new technologies and thus support local value creation

Our profitability

  • We use sustainability in such a way that it creates added value and strengthens the company
  • We place the highest value on food safety and quality
  • We act fairly and achieve long-term profits and growth in order to secure resources for our customers

The people

  • Ensuring social standards in the relevant countries and along the entire value chain
  • Gender equality
  • Promoting employee education and health
  • Promotion of business models that involve local farmers and guarantee an income by connecting them to the international market